
ZX Touch - The Handheld Spectrum with Stylish Protective Case, Stand and Cable

Item number VAR8007

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ZX Touch – The handheld Spectrum!

The ZX Touch is the new gaming console for ZX Spectrum games. Equipped with an analog stick, buttons and 7" touchscreen, the console leaves nothing to be desired for playing current games or classics for the Sinclair Spectrum. This is a completely newly developed device; both the hardware and the software were developed by Elmar Electronics and specifically adapted to the needs of Spectrum users.

The ZX Touch now comes with the ZX Pouch! ..... a Stylish protective Carry Case, complete with Acrylic Stand & Charging Cable.

The ZX Touch comes with games pre-installed. These games are displayed after switching on and also contain images of the cassettes and partial descriptions.

These games are pre-installed:

Bufonada - Platform Game 48k from Roolandoo 2022
Buzzsaw - Multicolor Brain Game 48k by Jason Railton 2011
Cray 5 - Arcade Game 128k from Retroworks 2010
Dungeons of Gomilandia 48k - thinking game from Retroworks 2020
Exo-Tical - Arcade Action 48k by Roolandoo 2023
Genesis - Batterspiel 128k from Retroworks 2010
Gommy, Medieval Defender - Arcade Game 48k by Retroworks 2009
Jinj 2 - Belmonte's Revenge - Arcade Game 48k from Retroworks 2012
Jonathan-Trick or Treat - Arcade Game 48k by Team Moritz 2022
King's Valley - Platform Game 48k from Retroworks 2009
La Reliquia - Arcade Adventure 48k by Roolandoo 2020
Moritz on the Autobahn - Platform Game 48k from Team Moritz 2020
Moritz the striker - platform game 48k from Team Moritz 2020
Nelo & Quqo and the Last Butifarreisson - Arcade Adventure 48k from Retroworks 2010
Roger the Pangolin in 2020 Knurled Tour - Arcade 3D Race 48k by ionion Games (Jason Railton) 2020
SOLO. - Platform game 48k from Roolandoo 2021
Smelly Cat - Platform Game 48k by Floppingsoft 2022
Supermoritz - shooting game 48k from Team Moritz 2018
The haunting of Waterbelle End - Arcade Adventure 48k by ionion Games (Jason Railton) 2021
The lost treasures of Tulum - Arcade Action 128k by Retroworks 2020
The sword of IANNA - Platform game 128k from Retroworks 2017
Vade Retro - Arcade Adventure 48k by Retroworks 2015

Additional games can be loaded from the SD card. Both TAP and games in TRD format are played. 

In addition to the Spectrum 48k and 128k devices, there is also the option to activate additional features such as ULAplus mode (extended color representation), Interlace mode (higher resolution, flicker-free) or Scanlines (retro effect by omitting every 2nd or 3rd line).

Updates will be provided regularly on

  • Display: 7" LCD IPS display 1024 x 600 px with 50 Hz and touchscreen
  • Battery: 3000 mAh rechargeable LiPo battery for 4-6 hours of playtime, rechargeable in 3 hours with 1A power adapter
  • Connections: Headphone/speaker connection (mono), micro SD card slot (FAT 32), USB-C charging socket
  • Control: 8 buttons and an analog stick, which can be preset as a Kempston/Sinclair joystick or freely assigned
  • Speaker: Small 28mm speaker with 1.5W with adjustable volume (also with beeper)
  • Side lights: The middle part of the console is made of transparent acrylic and can light up in different colors with built-in LEDs.